SANTA-FE-VANISHED On August 31, 1998, Emma Tresp age 71, vanished outside of Pecos, New Mexico, her car was later found on Pecos County Service Road 63A. Which is known by many different nicknames.. At the time of her disappearance Emma had no health issues, she was an experienced world traveler and was on her way to the Pecos Benedictine Monastery for a retreat. Emma had been there before, at a minimum of 2-3 times, she knew her way. Yes, the exact amount of times Emma visited the territory is not clear, but she had been there before. On the morning of August 31, 1998, Emma left her daughter's Stillwater, Oklahoma house, she intended to drive to Pecos and reach the monastery late in the afternoon or early evening. |
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Emma was last seen alive in Santa Rosa, New Mexico on August 31, at 3PM her credit card record shows that she gassed up at fuel station in Santa Rosa. This data buttress a security video that shows her at a Santa Rosa fuel stop.
Emma who was a widow who never arrived at the Pecos Monastery, later that first week in September her family found out that Emma could not be accounted for. The deeply religious lady was reported missing on September 8th. Previous to this, on September 6th, her car was found by a hunter on Country Road 63A, which is a dirt road that intersects the Santa Fe road or old Route 66 Highway that enters into Pecos.
As best as can be determined, Emma's car had gone down road 63A which can be heavily rutted. This unkept -- sometimes kept lane eventually leads to an abandoned fire tower, which is known by some as BALDY, or GLORIETA BALDY. The other nicknames of this area will be at a minimum, as in not wanting to give power to perhaps a sinister force that sometimes visits or inhabits the area. Emma's white 4 door Honda Civic had gotten stuck roughly 2 miles from the abandoned fire tower.
Deepening on the NM source, EMMA's car was stuck on a rock or her car was stuck on a rock and the auto's oil pan had been damaged due to the rough road. From what Allan has been able to gather, the vehicle still had oil in it and was in running condition. SO was the car stuck -- or hastily abandoned. This tragedy is filled with curious and suspect data.
WHERE EMMA's CAR WAS FOUND DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!! Again, where Emma;s car was found does not make sense--Emma knew the road to the Monastery. Furthermore there is no comparison to the forest road (EMMA's ROAD, BALDY ROAD, ROUGH ROAD, TOWER ROAD etc.) that her car got stuck on as compared to the Pecos Monastery road. To reach the Monastery, one has to drive into Pecos on a well kept paved road.
Emma was last seen alive in Santa Rosa, New Mexico on August 31, at 3PM her credit card record shows that she gassed up at fuel station in Santa Rosa. This data buttress a security video that shows her at a Santa Rosa fuel stop.
Emma who was a widow who never arrived at the Pecos Monastery, later that first week in September her family found out that Emma could not be accounted for. The deeply religious lady was reported missing on September 8th. Previous to this, on September 6th, her car was found by a hunter on Country Road 63A, which is a dirt road that intersects the Santa Fe road or old Route 66 Highway that enters into Pecos.
As best as can be determined, Emma's car had gone down road 63A which is in stretch a rough road.. This lane eventually leads to an abandoned fire tower, which is known by some as BALDY, or GLORIETA BALDY, TOWER ROAD and some other nicknames linked to the occult; Allan does not want to give power to those that are into the dark realm. Emma's white 4 door Honda Civic had gotten stuck roughly 2 miles from the abandoned fire tower.
This did not make sense--Emma knew the road to the Monastery. Furthermore there is no comparison to the forest road that her car got stuck on as compared to the Pecos Monastery road. To reach the Monastery, one has to drive into Pecos on a well kept paved road.
Some authorities speculate that Emma took 63A rather than 63 and this is how she got onto the road that leads into the wilderness. That idea does not make sense, by all accounts EMMA TRESP WAS NOT --NOT-- NOT-- STUPID.... There is no way one can make a mistake for the paved 63 and the 63A dirt road.
The county forest road (63A) where Emma's car was found is on the outskirts of Pecos and it can be one of the worse roads that one will ever encounter due to erosion and steep hills. Worse road as in if it has not been maintained, the road is a roll of the dice --- as in what year -- what the weather has been and if the road has been graded and cleared of fallen trees. There is no way you can confuse this road for the MONASTERY road.
Countless times -- Allan has been down this road that Emma vanished on, searching for any clues. As stated before there is no way possible one can go down this forest road, without knowing one has made a mistake and taken the wrong route as in headed for the monastery. Emma's road 63A at first gently passes by private lanes that lead to houses in the forest, then the country road passes by a gate and over a cattle guard. Beyond this barrier, 63A gets bad and turns into a road that does have a beauty to it but also gives off a bad or dangerous vibe-- yeah -- the Mystery Road -- all type of nickname apply.. There used to be all kinds of things on the trees on this road -- giving people warning --what type of calamity could happen. The scariest was a scientist black plastic glove that would go up the elbow-- the type one would see in a 1950s SCIFI film. The glove was stretched out over a bare tree limb -- that was attached to a bare tree. The glove had been positioned so that the pointer finger was extended -- on the fully extended limb filled glove. The pointing. black finger --- was a sign as in farther down this road -- disaster awaits -- or go meet your fate down this road.
When the road is not kept up --- even in a four wheel vehicle, the bad sections of this road can jar you if you are not buckled in, it is easy to bust a passenger car tire on this road, that is how bad the lane can be. Again one must ask why did Emma go down this road? Why did she not turn around in areas where one can turn a passenger car around.
When Emma's car was found a search was ordered, over 200 "Official' personnel looked for the lost lady, hundreds of unofficial personnel also searched for this citizen of North Little Rock, Arkansas. A $20,000 reward was offered for any information leading to finding Emma, dead or alive. During the search bad weather blew in and rescue operations were temporarily halted for close to three days. The earth build up under Emma's car could have been attributed to the natural land channel under the car, as in a downpour of rain made for mud build up her and this was how her car was high centered and immobile days after she had left her car.
Emma's car was found on an incline or what Allan would describe a very steep lane. NO, it is not a sheer cliff but it is a road climb Before getting to this part of the road, Emma would have to travel over some obstacles, rocks, small trenches that could have gotten her car stuck. At the point of where her car was found, again---one has to think how could this car not be rolled back down the steep road? Gravity was on Emma's side, with some creativity by way of accelerator or use of a jack or material under the vehicle, the HONDA would be back down the hill.
Planes, helicopters, searchers on foot, horseback and in all terrain vehicles looked for Emma. Tragically, the lady from Arkansas or any trace of her, was never found. What could have become of her?
Emma's footprints were found around her car, but that was it. The search dogs could find no scent or footprints beyond her auto. None of the trackers could find any clues in which direction she had gone. Yes the trackers with search dogs went up and down the road from her car.
Inside Emma's car, was her suitcase, coins and the rest of her belongings. Emma did not leave any note in the car of where she was off to, nor did she write anything in lipstick on the car, stating her plight.
Oddly, Emma left her purse and cell phone inside the car, this does not make sense. Even if Emma could not get anybody on her portable phone, due to the geography of the area she was in. Eventually Emma would be in a area where her phone would work if she had planned to walk back towards the outskirts of Pecos or the homes she had past on the wooded lane.
Emma was 5'6" and weighed around 135-145 pounds. What did Emma take with her, if she did leave her car and tried to leg it back to the main road or houses that she had previously passed by? Perhaps Emma took a six-pack of sodas with her, one will never know? But it looks by the evidence that Emma did not get past a few feet from her car, she just vanished. That is where her footprints end a few feet from her car as in circling her auto.
The following ideas have been asked by those that went out to Pecos and searched for her. Did Emma try to hike back down the road she came up, was she attacked by a predator animal and then dragged off the road? Did she suffer a heart attack and became delirious and wandered off into the trees and died, or was set upon by some bad men or a bad man who lived in the forest? OR? Was Emma victim to some type of portal or alien?
THE FACTS = EMMA's tracks are clear around her car so why is there no other prints, of where Emma could have gone. There was no signs that Emma was set upon by a beast while she was outside of her car. There were no prints of this happening.
Think about this, Emma's foot prints are seen around her car and then nothing after that. Also, Emma did not leave any type of message about her plans, as in an S.O.S. message. LIpstick message on her door or windshield. The evidence has it that Emma get out of her car and then that is when something happened? As in that is where she vanished? That is what the evidence leans too.
Through the years no shoe belonging to Emma or bit of clothing of hers has turned up.
State Police investigator David Martinez who worked the Treps case had this say about this mystery, "It's like she vanished off the face of the Earth, there are no answers."
Vistior to this site, read the above paragraph again ---- in other words --- as it stands now -- poor Tresp joins a list of others -- who went missing, and there vanishing does not make sense.
As the crow flies, Emma vanished about 6-8 miles away from where Mel Nadel vanished. Two miles in front of Emma was ) the Abandoned Tower, Baldy Point, Badly), beyond that at most was a 3 mile walk to a huge easily seen campus -meeting center that was run by the Baptist church. 5- 6 miles away from Emma's vanished spot is the old RT 66. In that area is another mysterious happening, more on that later----Also in 1973 the Larry mystery (YET ANOTHER HAPPENING WITH NO SATISFACTORY ANSWER) occurred in the area beyond where Emma's road ends. More on that 1973 mystery in the future.
SO what became of this lady? Or for that matter what became of MEL NADEL?
Have any info on these mysteries or on other vanishings contact me (ALLAN) and send me the data--
The Pecos Triangle, in this area through the centuries people have mysterious disappeared. As odd as that may read, this location East & Southeast of Santa Fe is home to some baffling vanishings. People can joke about what the road is called -- and I do not want to give any power to those that practice black mass. Beyond the snarky one liners --- on this road and in this area people have gone missing. There is no closure for the missing's loved ones. What can account for these mysterious happening.
Lights, voices, sounds, UFOs, shape shifters, LA LLORONA, ghosts, you name it --- has been linked to this road and area. Is it possible there is a doorway in this area that opens and closes, and something or things come out of it and are responsible for the vanishings. Or the vanished were lured or fell into one of these portals?
SANTA-FE-VANISHED Through the centuries this area which is now known as the PECOS TRIANGLE, has been known for its vanishings. Before the Spaniards came to this area in the 1500s the Pecos Indians that lived in this vicinity of where 63A and Elk Mountain were located were wary of this land. Why? Because El Viveron lived out in the wilds. This mythical monster -beast-shapeshifter or … would prey upon those that encountered it. When people would vanish from the Pecos Pueblo while out in the mountains or forests, the tribes people would think that El Viveron had struck again. So what is El Viveron, a giant reptile, a huge snake, a bipod reptilian creature, a shapeshifter that comes through a stargate or doorway from another dimension or world? Or is El Viverion a big lie, there is no such things. One thing is certain is that since the 1500s, when records started being kept by the Europeans that explored this area and settled it. People have gone missing, as in vanished without a trace where El Viveron supposedly lives or visits. In 1998, Emma Tresp was on County Road 63A which the weird Beards call Devils Road or EMMA's ROAD. --- Like other people before her, EMMA TRESP vanished into thin air. Geography: the road Emma traveled is a dirt lane that can be traveled on by a family car during spring through fall, but only to a certain point if the weather has been bad and the road has not been taken care of. The county road turns bad a few miles into the forest and only a 4 Wheel vehicle or motorcycle can safely -- SAFELY -- SAFELY navigate the rough, furrowed, obstacle strewn road. There are some signs that warn the driver the road ahead is unkept and dangerous. You can not miss these signs. The road itself tells a driver that this area can only be traveled safely by an all terrain vehicle. Why would Tresp go up this terrible road, was something chasing her? Was she mesmerized or frightened to the point that she had to travel this lane? Some people speculate Tresp became lost and went down the wrong road looking for the monastery that she was going to take a retreat at. This does not make sense. Trees had been to the monastery before and knew how to get there. To get to the monastery one has to drive through the village of Pecos to get to it, one does not take a county road that can be near impassable, depending on the year and weather -- erosion. The monastery is off of a paved road, where EMMA motored is rough, and can be an axle breaking road. Other sleuths think Tresp went down the county road to look at the foliage and views. Again, this does not make sense. EMMA WAS A SEASONED WORLD TRAVELER! Emma had traveled to Europe and Africa and had made it back okay. To go up a lonely dirt road -- when one is on a timetable to get to the monastery -- its not on. Another oddity, is that Tresp navigated her car through a lot of bad trenched, eroded road, before her car got stuck. Why would this lady keep going down a road that a first grader would think is too dangerous to travel on. The police report is that Tresp car was high centered and that is why she abandoned her auto. That may or may not be true, due to the fact that there has been a lot of investigation negligence in previous reports from the authorities. From what ALLAN gathered during his investigation, it was pretty hard to high center a car on the incline of where Emma's car was found. With some imagination and moving the steering wheel and rocking the car, etc... One would move back down the incline at a great deal of speed, the photos later on will show the reader just how steep the area was where EMMAs car was found. When Tresp's car was found, there was no sign of struggle or robbery. All of her belonging were untouched, her suitcases had not been gone through. The small amount of money in the car had not been taken. No foreign finger prints were found in her auto. In other words -- there was no hitchhiker evidence as in someone took her hostage. Tresp did not leave a SOS letter on the dashboard, she did not put in lipstick any type of message on her door or windows. What was found was her footsteps that circled her car. That is where her footsteps end, they do not go up or down the road or into the trees. Its as if Tresp walked around her car and then disappeared. How can that happen? Furthermore why would this lady go so deep into County Road 63A or VANISHED-ROAD. Again was she being chased or did she see something or hear something unworldly that led her to drive down a rugged road that sealed her doom? Another point to ponder, in her car on the passenger seat was her purse and cell phone. Why would an experienced traveler leave those things behind? However -- other reports claim her purse and cell phone were not there in the car? Did something frighten Tresp out of her car and she fled around it. Is it possible that some energy got into her car and scared her so she had to run around her vehicle? Some people who have heard La Llorona a NM BANSHEE, while driving on county dirt roads, swear that the sound seemed to come from right inside the car. SANTA-FE-VANISHED From where Tresp car was found, LA LLORONA LANE, which is located about 5-8 miles from the vanishing. That is a road to the north of the road that EMMA vanished on. Yes this area has a lot of strange names --- there really is LA LLORONA LANE --- and other lanes have nicknames attached to ominous things. Any ideas on Tresp or anybody else's mysterious vanishings in this area, shoot me an email with info or theory. To the right and below are photos of EMMA's ROAD... YEs that is tree and part of another timber that crashed into the lane. ![]() ![]() |
![]() At first the road is fine, once it gets past the old county road sign, the lane becomes rough stuff and eventually the wagon path turns into a road that is so rutted it is just a path. At the glove marker the road gets rougher and rougher. Beyond this is where people vanish. EVIL ROAD MOJO! What significance the glove has, no idea? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Emma's road can be rough and can be filled with trenches and inclines + large rocks and fallen trees, that one squeezes by. It all depends on the year and maintenance ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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At this location and near it, strange lights have been seen. Not lights from partiers, but odd bursts of white energy, also UFO activity has been noted in this region. One of the curious things about this tower, is that the steps going up to the second level have been removed, but the steps from the 2nd story are brand new and bolted inlace.