Paranormal Tour / BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-SANTA-FE your safari passes by some haunted areas. 505 986 5002
Bring your ghost gadgets --- on tour, sometimes, equipment picks up signals from the what is it', as we traipse past haunted locales.
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GHOST-TOUR -- Led by Santa Fe native Allan Pacheco --- (Born in Santa Fe -- not a Transplant) Allan's street CRED = author, historian, renown Paranormal Investigator, sought after metaphysical radio - podcast -television guest === 505-986-5--2 or 505-231-1336
BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-SANTA-FE (SPIRIT WALK) -- are done at night and during the day -- summer or winter.
BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-GHOST-TOUR === large group or small - or solo -- AL Pacheco leads your tour through old Santa Fe, to places that he has investigated. The safari is led by fellow who in some worlds is known as one of the bestMETAPHYSICIANS 505-986-5002 or 505-231-1336
BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-SANTA-FE -- GHOST TREK == your ghostwalk is done at a comfortable pace -- interested in UFO -- FOO FIGHTERS -- THE MISSING -- let ALLAN know -- he tries to tack the tours towards your interests --- AL PACHECO is a premier UFOLOGIST. 505-986-5002 or 505-231-1336 Book a tour ---Allan is also available for lectures.
BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-GHOST-TOUR --- on your haunted trek -- questions are encouraged -- this is not a tour where the guide relies on index cards or 5th-hand data --- ALLAN';s tours are throughly researched -- his family roots go back to the founding of SANTA FE --- Yes Allan is SPANIARD and AMERICAN INDIAN extraction --- legends -- facts -- lies -- half truths -- along with Allan's investigations makes your tour an outstanding safari! 505-986-5002 or 505-231-1336
BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-SANTA-FE (PARANORMAL TOUR DELUXE) ----- Got handheld ghostometers -- be it IPHONE-AP or GHOST-GADGET -- bring them along -- your tour does pass by and through some haunted areas -- on rare occasions while on safari -- activity has been registered on devices --- things have been seen or felt -- and energies have been photographed...
YES --- sometimes on tour at night -- on a deserted street something is seen and then gone. That rustling in the trees or that cold wave of air -- is not what you first thought it was --- this site is loaded with pictures of tours and investigations that have been done through the decades --- yes --- on occasion contact is made --- so bring your camera when your tour with AL Pacheco --- BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-GHOST-TOUR 505-986-5002 or 505-231-1336
BELOW = The old line is, THERE ARE 8 MILLIONS STORIES IN NEW YORK CITY. Dark Gotham city is filled with wild tales. However, above; Santa Fe has beyond belief paranormal tales that date back to the days of the Conquistadors. Santa Fe at night, specifically winter tours, when the town is pretty much deserted, is a great time to ghost-tour, Paranormal trek with bits of history thrown into the safari. Winter or summer, day or night, let's go touring. All treks led by GHOSTORIAN AL PACHECO 505 986 5002
BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-SANTA-FE. On some safaris -- NON TOURIST SEASON -- we have the old city to ourselves. Or pretty much to yourself. On your paranormal safari, bring your ghost ap or ghost box, we do pass by some haunted areas and sometimes -- contact is made. It does not matter what brand you have in ghost gadgets, or how in-expensive or expensive it is. You got it, bring it. On some tours, nothing has been registered, and then on other tours, energies are posted on the gadget. Sometimes, the force that is encountered, drains the batteries of the gadget. Or only at Z spot, the gadget goes lame, and then once out of the area, the machine starts working again. 505 986 5002
ABOVE --- contact at the old DESERTED HOSPITAL -- ST. VINCENT's -- before it was remolded and became the DRURY HOTEL ====== BELOW: Bring your camera, you never can tell!
BEYOND-THE-FRINGE-SANTA-FE / Your tour goes to places where activity has been witnessed centuries ago as well as in contemporary times. Above -- safari on a haunted tract that has many nicknames -- LA LLORONA TRAIL, SHADES OF DEATH LANE == BLAIR WITCH PATH, etc. Yes the safari can be scary and sometimes the tour runs into paranormal energy. However, the tour is fun -- below. Number one rule on AL PACHECO's tour, "HEY LETS HAVE SOME FUN AS WE EXPLORE PARANORMAL SANTA FE. Below the old 1960s PEACE SIGN. being displayed in 2024. This was the fun bunch of COLORADO. Yes, they were also avid ghost hunters. You want to have a fun time on a tour, book a trek with AL PACHECO 505 986 5002. I dare say that PEACE SIGN has never been flown in the haunted SENA PLAZA courtyard, if it has, it was more than 50 years ago, during the GROOVY 1960s. PEACE BROTHER!